When to fight Spring Dead Spot
Spring dead spot is a common disease of bermudagrass. We typically see the most visual symptoms in the spring and early summer when the bermudagrass is starting to break dormancy. The affected areas can range in size, from a few inches up to several feet, typically in a circular pattern. If you were to remove some of the plant material from the soil, you would notice that some portions, such as the rhizomes, crowns, roots, etc., are black and rotted. Infection typically occurs in late September and will continue as long as soil temperatures are favorable. The primary way to manage this disease is through good cultural practices. A good fertility program will help the turf bounce back and recover quicker during green up. High nitrogen fertilization late in the year is not suggested, as past studies have shown that it may contribute to the development of the disease. Digging up the infected soil and replacing it with new soil is one of the few ways to eliminate the disease from the area. Any bare spots left behind will fill in as the season progresses.
In recent years, it has been shown that two fall fungicide applications about 30 days apart may help reduce the severity of the disease, although it is not guaranteed to eliminate it. Now (October) into November is the time to start the fungicide process. If you have small areas of infection, I would suggest digging these areas of soil up (around 4-6 inches deep) and replacing with a good soil mixture. Getting on a yearly fungicide program can certainly reduce your chances of infection if you don’t already battle the issue, and can improve your chances of recovery if the disease does make its way into your turf. Give us a call if you have any questions.