Who knows what this weed is? Do you have it in your yard? It is one of the toughest, most difficult weeds to eliminate.
This is called Dallisgrass it is a coarse-textured grass that grows in a clump and slowly increases in diameter as its shallow, underground stems (short rhizomes) grow outward.
Dallisgrass creates an unsightly clump in turfgrass that can be a problem in golf courses, sports playing fields, and home landscapes. The stiff clumps are much coarser in texture than other grasses common in developed recreational areas. It has a faster growth rate than turfgrasses. The flower stalks (racemes) often escape mowing and spring back up above the rest of the turfgrass, lending a rough, uneven appearance to lawns.
Dallisgrass can be introduced into lawn areas with new turfgrass seed or sod, but often the seed is introduced on mowers that have been used in contaminated sites and then moved to weed-free sites.
In home landscapes, removing young plants by digging them out before they form rhizomes or set seed is the best strategy for control.
Because dallisgrass is a perennial plant, persistence is required to kill it with cultural practices. Where digging out clumps of dallisgrass in turfgrass is not practical, herbicides may be used.
On Dallisgrass you have to be very timely with the perennial applications therefore, AgriLawn recommends a perennial weed control application in addition to your regular lawn treatment schedule. Once your first perennial weed control application is done, your technician will be out again within 10 days to re-apply the treatment. Follow up applications will continue to be scheduled until dallisgrass is under control. Call us today to get this weed taken care of – 680-0077.