Do you have crape myrtle bark scale?
There is one thing that every Oklahoman knows is going to happen when summer rolls around, and that is…it’s time for the crape myrtles to bloom! And that it’s going to be miserably hot for 2 months straight…..Even if you know nothing about plants, I can guarantee you that you have seen a crape myrtle. Beautiful, multi trunked trees ranging in size from 3 feet tall to well over 30, in various shades of white, pink, red, and purple, that continue to bloom well into late September. They are tough, durable, low maintenance trees that are a staple all across the southern half of this country.
Many of the most popular varieties that are available for purchase today were actually cultivated by a well-known research doctor from Oklahoma State University, Dr. Carl Whitcomb, and regardless of which cultivar/variety you choose, you will not be disappointed by the performance that these plants will put on throughout the summer.
In general, crape myrtles typically do not have many issues with insects or disease, with the exception of aphids and powdery mildew, but over the past few years a new pest has begun to emerge as a serious threat to the crape myrtle’s ability to perform. That pest is called crape myrtle bark scale, or CMBS for short. The bark scale is in a classification of scale insects known as felt scales, and has an appearance similar to a puffed up grain of white rice. These insects attach themselves to the bark and twigs of crape myrtles and begin to feed on the interior juices of the plant, while laying anywhere from 100-300 eggs!