Controlling your fertilization, if only we could control the weather!

icy leaf on grass

Well here we are…The trees have leafed out, the daffodils and tulips have bloomed, and in typical Oklahoma fashion the spring weather has been an absolute joke. High winds, heavy rains, 55 degree temperature swings in a matter of days…you get the point. Despite Mother Nature doing us absolutely ZERO favors, our warm season grasses, like bermuda and zoysia, are about to make their transition back to being green again. If you are looking to fertilize your lawn this spring you might find yourself overwhelmed by the multitude of options available to you when it comes choosing a lawn fertilizer. And while plenty of good options do exist, we believe that the best option for Oklahoma lawns is our exclusive Controlled Release Nitrogen fertilizer, or CRN for short.

Controlled release fertilizers have been around since the 1930’s, but the first commercial availability of them occurred in the mid 1950’s. What makes our CRN different from other slow release fertilizers is the fact that water is not the main driving force for the release of nutrients, temperature is. Not only does this benefit you, the homeowner, because you are not having to water as frequently to feed your lawn, but it also helps reduce the amount of potential runoff caused by other water soluble fertilizers. The way that it works is that as temperatures continue to rise the protective coating on the fertilizer pellets will incrementally dissipate releasing nutrients in a more controlled manner. Another benefit to using a CRN is that you are able to provide said nutrients over a much longer time frame. The root system of your grass can only uptake so much at a given time, and because you are controlling the release you are greatly reducing the amount of product that is potentially going to sit on the lawn until the roots can absorb it. This also leads to a reduction in the potential for fertilizer burn on your turf as well! Another huge benefit of using our CRN is the frequency rate at which you will have to mow your lawn will be much less than traditional quick and slow release fertilizers. By providing a more consistent and equal release rate, our CRN will encourage your lawn to grow in a healthier more predictable pattern. There is nothing more frustrating then only being able to enjoy a freshly cut lawn for four to five days before you have to mow it again due to rapid new growth! By choosing to use our Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer, you are choosing to be more efficient with how you feed your lawn. The results we can provide with just one application of it are equally as effective as three to four applications of various other products, and the environmental impacts are also much less than with traditional fertilizers.

            As we continue to traverse through the difficulties that Mother Nature is throwing at us this spring season, keep in mind that your grass was also significantly impacted by the severity of the winter weather. Agrilawn is fully prepared to help lead you through that recovery and our Controlled Release Nitrogen Fertilizer is a great way to expedite the process!

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