A common winter weed appearing in lawns now – Poa Annua
Do you have this weed in your lawn? Poa annua, also known by its common name annual bluegrass, is a very common winter annual grassy weed here in Oklahoma. It can be easily identified by its light green color and small white seed heads when seed is present. Annual bluegrass is a prolific seed producer, so once it is established and producing seed, it can put thousands of those seeds in your lawn in a matter of weeks.
The best method of control is a good weed control program that includes applications of preemergence herbicides prior to seed germination. If the seed has already germinated, it has to be controlled with postemergence herbicides, which can be much tougher depending on your turf type. The sooner you begin a lawn program, the better chances you have to get annual bluegrass under control before it becomes too much of a problem. Request an estimate today to get your lawn program started. Click here for an Instant Quote.