Are you battling Dallisgrass?


The transition from spring to summer brings about plenty of changes for all of us. Cool evenings disappear, days get longer, and rains turn into nothing more than annoying humidity…..great. The change in season also means a change in what weeds beginning encroaching on your lawn. One of the most difficult weeds that we battle here in Oklahoma is called Dallisgrass. Dallisgrass is a coarse-textured, clumping, perennial grass that spreads from short, thick rhizomes and seed, and once it becomes well established in your lawn it can take up to 2-3 years to get it completely under control and eradicated. 

That being said, there are several different things you can do as a homeowner to prevent this from ever becoming an issue for you. First and foremost is maintaining a healthy, well-irrigated, well-nourished and properly mowed lawn. Dallisgrass thrives in poorly drained soils and is capable of putting out hundreds of seed from a single plant, so if you have it be sure to bag your clippings when you mow! Spring pre-emergent applications will chemically inhibit any seeds left over from the previous year and can stunt the re-growth of dormant Dallisgrass clumps as well.

Chemical post-emergence control of Dallisgrass has become much more difficult since the removal of MSMA from the market, but there are still products that have been proven to be effective against it. ACCase applications with manuscript/adigor in 3-4 week interval, are effective during the summer months, but you will more than likely see some yellowing of the bermuda as a result. Many of the newer sulfonylurea herbicides have success in controlling Dallisgrass, and are especially effective when applied as a spot treatment in the fall. 

As the temperatures begin to cool down, Dallisgrass will begin to pull all of the carbohydrates it has generated into its’ root system for the winter thus pulling the sulfonylurea products down with it! Glyphosate treatments can be used as well, however timing is critical, as there is usually only about a two week window available to safely make this treatment without damaging your bermuda.

If you find yourself battling Dallisgrass or any other summer weeds do not hesitate to give us a call here at AgriLawn, and let us put our knowledge and expertise to work for you!

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